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We, the undersigned property owners, in the spirit of ensuring the continued safety of residents and lessening the impact of the advancing COVID-19 pandemic, are united in pledging our support for an open, mutually beneficial dialogue with apartment renters suffering financial hardship. 


We agree that legal proceedings against residents of our apartments in arrearage should be considered only where the parties fail to productively resolve prevailing issues. We understand that increased vacancies do not benefit tenants, property owners, public health, or the local economy, and recognize that the current public health crisis necessitates collaborative resolutions. 


Further, we agree that, as long as the Massachusetts COVID-19 State of Emergency is in place, we will seek open, fair discourse regarding past and/or overdue rent in an attempt to reach a mutually agreeable, mutually beneficial outcome that preserves residents’ ability to remain in their home while minimizing the economic impacts experienced by apartment renters and property owners.


We need your commitment as we adjust to ever-changing circumstances. Sign our pledge today!

Signed by:

  • Chestnut Hill Realty
  • First Cambridge Realty Corporation
  • Hope Homes
  • Laverty Lohnes Properties
  • The Hamilton Company
  • Thayer & Associates, Inc.
  • Koskores Real Estate Corporation



Who is MHC?


The Massachusetts Housing Coalition (MHC) is a non-profit organization formed by tenants, homeowners, small business owners, and property owners who believe addressing our housing crisis in Massachusetts with the same old policy ideas only worsens the quality of life in our state while doing nothing to address skyrocketing costs.


By tearing down the artificial barriers to housing created by the failed policies of the 20th Century, our organization is leading the fight to stop NIMBY-ism from further crippling our municipalities and demanding that our state finally build more housing where it is needed the most.


Join us by signing the Housing NOW petition or become a member of MHC at masshousingcoaltion.org


Make sure to follow us on Facebook and join our Housing NOW Facebook Group